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13 kinds of green beans to eat summer

Hot summer mung bean 13 kinds of summer eat

Mung bean soup on the heat, heat thirst, heat diarrhea, ulcer, pox virus, rash and other diseases have a certain therapeutic effect. Mung bean nutritional value, to promote the normal development of the body and maintain a variety of physiological functions have a role. Compared with chicken, its protein and phosphorus content more, calcium and iron are 7 times and 4.5 times that of chicken. In addition, mung bean in the treatment of atherosclerosis, reduce blood cholesterol, hepatoprotective effect is obvious An oil vaporizer runs on oil vape pen battery which needs charging. Now imagine one that takes long hour to pre-heat! Isn\'t that irritating? So, it\'s always better to buy an oil vape pen battery from reputed online sites!.

However, the power of mung bean heat in the skin, if you just want to refreshing, the net will be net Amoy cleansed with a boil for 10 minutes on the line, do not boil too long. This soup color green clear, do not have to eat beans to eat together. Detoxification of mung bean, including, if for detoxification, it is best to boiled beans, bean soup so deep and muddy color, although the role of cooling less, but the detoxification effect is even stronger.

1, pure green bean soup

With mung bean or bean curd soup when drinking tea, you can Qu Shu Xia, Xie heat, anti-stroke, governance poor urine.

If the urethra burning, add sugar in the bean soup, and then take.

2, mung bean skin soup

Mung bean skin 25 grams, add water soup, every day early, middle and late each taking 1 times, can treat dizziness, especially for the role of blurred vision is more obvious.

3, mung bean porridge

Mung bean 30 grams, 60 grams of rice, green beans cooked first, and then add rice, boiled gruel. Often eat mung bean porridge, you can eliminate heat summer, only polydipsia, Lee urine, in addition to high blood pressure, diabetes is also very beneficial.

4, mung bean Yinhua soup

First 100 grams of green beans cooked, then add 30 grams of honeysuckle, eat beans soup, can treat prickly heat, scabies, heat stroke.

5, mung bean loofah soup

50 grams of green beans, fresh gourd flowers 8, the green beans cooked boil, add loofah flowers and cook for a while. Drink mung bean loofah soup, to prevent heat stroke.

6, green bean pattern porridge

The mung bean, lentils, lotus seeds, lotus leaf, etc. into the rice, boiled porridge, to be cool before consumption, to spleen and stomach, Queshu heat.

7, green beans jellyfish soup

Mung bean and jellyfish with 50 grams each, add water boiled soup, you can relieve summer heat, cough and asthma, lower blood pressure.

8, mung bean seaweed licorice soup

Appropriate amount of green beans plus seaweed 6 grams, 3 grams of licorice, water suffering, even for a week, can prevent measles.

9, mung bean Sophora soup

Mung bean 20 grams, 15 grams of fresh lotus leaf, Arctium, Sophora 10 grams, decoction orally and external wash, can treat pediatric prickly heat and sore and so on.

10, green beans seaweed soup

Mung bean and kelp each 50 grams boil soup, there is the role of treatment of eczema and itchy skin.

11, mung bean lotus leaf soup

With green beans and fresh lotus soup, add sugar drink, can promote perspiration.

12, green beans cabbage soup

First 100 grams of green beans cooked, then add cabbage heart 2, cook for 15 minutes, taking juice, 2 times a day, have some effect on the initial mumps.

13, mung bean Chow Soup

Mung bean 60 grams, add fresh Maocheng, plantain, light bamboo leaves of 30 grams, decocted soup, drink several times, adjuvant treatment of urinary tract infection.

Need special attention is that, due to mung bean cool, so spleen Deficiency, kidney yang deficiency should not eat.